This is something I came across one day on the web. I read through them and found I’ve accepted many of these rules long ago. I used them in professional capacity with ethical intent to maintain momentum in large projects. The rules are:
- Take the initiative – Don’t wait for the answer from the top, it’s rarely available.
- Things are rarely fair – Don’t count on the exception
- Truth Changes – The first report is suspect
- Bad things happen – Anticipate and prepare
- Plan and Prepare as if there are no rules.
Lets look at each rule individually and I’ll explain what it means to me along with an example.
Take the Initiative – Don’t wait for an answer form the top, it’s rarely available
There has been many situations where a large project could have been stalled because I was waiting on an executive decision from a leader. In earlier years of my professional career I’ve had project blow past deadlines because I was waiting on a response from someone who didn’t even know who I was. The one day it finally hit me. I’ll shoot this decision up the chain for a response, but I will continue forward assuming what the answer will be. This way I can maintain momentum with my project and if I’m wrong, I’ll take responsibility. I would rather have done something and failed then do nothing and fail. What do I use as a guiding light, organizational objectives and social norms. The decision can be made with a high degree of accuracy if the organizational objectives are understood and the social norms and ethical standards are followed. With may years in the business I have yet to loose employment with this strategy.
Things are rarely fair – Don’t count on the exception
I can likely count the number of times things have been “fair” in situations. What is the definition of “fair”? Impartiality and honesty? Free from self-interest or favoritism. Conforming to established rules? Even when people try to be fair, there will be some level of “unfair” about a decision. From another view, “fair” can vary relative to perceptions of reality? How do you truly achieve “fair” with a highly diversified demographic. In the view of one situation it’s not likely fair can be accomplished. Maybe fairness can be observed over the duration of many situations, but it is still relative to the situation. So, don’t worry about “Fair”. Do what is needed to get the job done and move to the next objective.
Truth Changes – The first report is suspect
To me this is true to some extent. It is rare that the first story or report accurately depicts the entire story. Typically it takes talking to everyone in the encounter to get a good picture of what may have happened. You may talk to everyone involved and still be no better off then not knowing at all. So never take the first report as the final report. Ask others, talk to several folks. Even if the first report is a trusted source, collect information.
Bad things happen – Anticipate and prepare
This isn’t a negative point of view, it’s a good method to live by. Most people plan for a normal situation. They assume everything will go as planned without any issues. Then something catastrophic happens and everyone is lost. It’s a total loss and there is no recovery. What would happen if you planned for a worst case scenario? Well, when it happens you are prepared and more easily recover. If the worst case never happens, good. If it does, no biggie, you got it figured out.
Plan and Prepare as if there are no rules.
This one start walking into a grey area and relies on people to remain ethical, moral, and to act with integrity. I typically use ideology this to make my own rules. There’s been many situations where planning has questions that cannot be answers or there are no rules to define a best decision to make. At these points I tend to make up a rule that aligns with entity the work is done to support. Those rules can then be documented and retained for future scenarios. The documetation can dictate if those rules worked, or didn’t, and why. But it boils down to if there are no rules, adjust and find a way to success that is ethical, moral, and retains your integrity.